Saturday, June 26, 2010

15. Manassas Man Murdered

[Virginian Farmers' Journal, 23 July]
"Manassas Man Murdered
Manassas local, Josh Wheen (43) was gunned down yesterday only feet away from the front door of his farmhouse.
Mr Wheen's body was discovered by his wife when she returned home from morning coffee with friends in Woodbridge. The emergency services were immediately called and while waiting for them to come Mrs Wheen attempted unsuccssfully to resuscitate her husband. When the ambulance crew arrived a short time later there was nothing they could do to revive Mr Wheen.
Police quickly sealed off the family home and grounds for forensic examination. It is understood that no sign of a break-in was discovered and it is possible that Mr Wheen either knew his killer or, at least, was expecting the killer to call.
A search of the outhouses on the Wheen farm revealed that Mr Wheen's distinctive red, silver and blue SUV had been stolen, presumably by the killer. Readers may recall that this SUV was won by Mr Wheen at this month's Independence Day Cattle and Ploughing Fair in Manassas.
A state-wide alert was put out for the SUV shortly after mid-day yesterday and radio stations were also asked to broadcast the vehicle details. A couple of sightings were reported and while the vehicle and driver were not apprehended it seems likely that it was driven towards the DC metropolitan area.
A police search of the Wheen family home indicated that a 44 Magnum Colt Anaconda which Mr Wheen had advertised for sale was missing. Although, at the time of writing, the autopsy on Mr Wheen has yet to be concluded it is understood that Mr Wheen was shot at close range by someone holding a small arms weapon. Police are proceeding on the basis that the stolen 44 Magnum Anaconda was the weapon used.
This last fact gives the police a potentially useful line of enquiry. Mr Wheen had moonlighted as a licensed gun-trader in the last few years, buying and selling small-arms to gun-lovers to supplement his income, often advertising in this paper. One possibility being explored by the police is that Mr Wheen's killer called to the house looking to buy a gun and, when shown the 44 Magnum Anaconda, turned the weapon on Mr Wheen.
Another possibility being explored by police is that Mr Wheen's killing may in some way have been connected with a protracted boundary dispute that has involved a number of Manassas residents over the past few years. However, it is understood that investigators consider a rogue gun-buyer to be the most likely culprit behind Mr Wheen's murder.
One high-placed source within the police department who did not wish to be named indicated that officers are also considering whether there is a possible connection between Mr Wheen's murder and the dramatic daylight bludgeoning of Nurse Bridie Henry in Washington DC's Rock Creek Park last week.
Nurse Henry's brutal murder has featured prominently in the national media over the last few days. Less prominently reporte has been the alleged sighting at a gun-range in West Virginia of a man whom police want to speak with regarding Nurse Henry's murder.
Significantly, a Manassas bus-driver has apparently indicated to police that yesterday morning a passenger resembling the man police are looking for in connection with the Nurse Henry murder travelled in the driver's bus from DC to Manassas yesterday morning. The driver did not have an opportunity to report this to police until after her day-shift ended. So police had no chance to apprehend the man. However, this alleged sighting raises the possibility that Nurse Henry's killer came from DC with a view to acquiring a gun from Mr Wheen, killed Mr Wheen rather than buy the gun and then sped back to DC in Mr Wheen's SUV.
This is a dramatic sequence of events, if true. However, it does seem to fit a certain pattern in that whoever killed Nurse Henry also made his getaway in the victim's car.
Police have asked that the public keep a close eye out in any event for Mr Wheen's SUV in case the driver of that vehicle should return to Virginia. However. on no account should the driver be approached as he is likely armed and dangerous.
It is understood that Mr Wheen's funeral arrangements will be announced after the mandatory state autopsy on his body has been completed."

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